Los Guachimontones

Los Guachimontones

Scattered throughout eastern Mexico are the famous Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza, Tulum, and Palenque. Mexico City and the area surrounding it has Aztec ruins. However, in western Mexico, near Guadalajara, there are remnants of a lost civilization that dates well before the Spanish arrived in the western world.

Thirty miles west of Guadalajara is the town of Teuchitlán (A Place for The Devine). It’s a picturesque and tranquil locale with beautiful views of Lake La Vega. Just outside the town, high up on a hill, is Los Guachimontones, an archeological site. Created by the Teuchitlán culture, the site is known for its round pyramid structures. Aside from the Cuicuilco Pyramid in Mexico City, these are the only circular pyramids found anywhere in the world.

This site was discovered in 1969 by Dr. Phil Weigand, an American archaeologist. It took him 33 years to secure the funds to excavate the site, which began in 1996. Seventeen years later, little is known about this civilization including when and why they disappeared. The pyramids were constructed about 2,000 years ago by the Teuchitlán people (a name given to them in recent times but nobody knows what they actually called themselves) who thrived in this region between 300 BC and 900 AD.

Unlike other pyramids, there are no tunnels or tombs in the pyramids. It is believed that the pyramids were used for celebrations and paying homage to the gods. The pyramids were once covered with mud and clay and displayed art and symbols.

Archeologists believe that tall posts were placed at the top of the pyramids for Volador flying ceremonies. Volador flying consisted of a “birdman” (representing Ehectatl, the god of air and wind), balancing on his stomach while the pole is turned by onlookers.

Temples surround each pyramid. The large pyramid has 12 temples geometrically placed around it. Each temple had tall, pointed, gabled roofs which, along with the walls, were carefully plastered and beautifully painted in bright colors. Tunnels leading to tombs were found under some of the temple foundations. The smaller pyramids had fewer temples; however, only the stone foundations are visible today.

At this site there are six round pyramids; however, the largest pyramid has yet to be excavated. There are other similar sites in nearby towns. At the height of their existence, there may have been as many as 40,000 inhabitants among all the villages.

Unlike the Inca, Maya and Aztec civilizations, the theory is that this civilization’s organizational structure was very egalitarian with no ruling god or king.

After our walk among the ruins, we headed into town to a scenic restaurant on the lake.

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With our guide, we had a chance to talk about what we saw while we drank cold beer and ate fresh fish from the lake. It was a perfect way to end the tour before returning to Guadalajara.

3 thoughts on “Los Guachimontones

  1. Mark,
    I’ve enjoyed following your journey. So many wonderful places. I didn’t ventured that far but did do my annual motorcycle trip. Went out to WA & OR through Glacier, Banff & Jasper.
    Safe traveling!

    1. Stephen,

      So good to hear from you.
      Glad you’re out experiencing adventures.
      It doesn’t matter where.

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